Publication details

Michael Beckerman and Paul Boghossian (eds.). Classical Music : Contemporary Perspectives and Challenges. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2021



Year of publication 2021
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Editors Michael Beckerman and Paul Boghossian brought a book to the world during the covid-19 pandemic, which, by its nature and focus, fits very well into the new situation. A situation that has made society stop and rethink the values it follows. The editors approached the world's twenty-four leading experts not only in the so-called classical music, and asked them to comment on the current forms of its existence. A well-written book on the current changes in so-called classical music examines the problem from many angles: from the point of view of its operation, management, music education, journalism, relation to technology or the mass media.

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