Publication details

Problém dětských dlužníků a finanční vzdělávání

Title in English Child Debtors' Problem and Financial Education


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 14. mezinárodní vědecká konference Didaktická konference: Sborník příspěvků
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords financial education; financial literacy; child debtors
Description Indebtedness of children is a problem manifested at several levels, in economic terms of difficult financial situation, the social point of family ties, in legal terms of debt creation and solution... We used the approach using already made surveys for a deeper analysis of child debtors’ problem, thus we analysed TV reports in which the problem of the child debtors has appeared. We have identified the causes of the debt, the reasons leading to the debt and the impact of debt in particular cases of child debtors through open coding within the qualitative analysis. Then, we have used the results of the analysis to formulate recommendations for emphasizing the relevance of child debtors’ problem in financial education at primary and secondary schools
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