Publication details

Hallmark features of post-socialist urban development in Central Europe


KUNC Josef CUDNY Waldemar

Year of publication 2022
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description The rise of a new, post-socialist city was a result of the implementation of a neoliberal agenda to regional and urban development in the post-socialist states of Central Europe. There were several important processes triggered by the fall of communism and the introduction of neoliberalism leading to the creation of postsocialist cities. These processes encompassed, for instance, de-industrialisation and development of new branches of production, growth of demand for services,diversification of the economy, and massive privatisation, including privatisation of the housing market. Moreover, the system change affected the management of urban areas. More bottom-up approaches were introduced into urban management, and regionalisation increased in importance. Demography and social structure underwent in-depth changes as a result of the second demographic transition and social diversification. The most important results of the aforementioned processes included the fall of traditional production and the rise of modern industries, growth of services, diversification of the economy, and domination of private capital which replaced state ownership. The urban socio-economic structure became thus more flexible and adjustable to the current conditions. The spatial structure has undergone changes as well; they included, for instance, urban fallows creation, the rise of modern housing estates, and revitalisation. The socio-demographic transition encompassed urban shrinkage and the creation of diversified social and economic structures.
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