Publication details

Le malade d’Alzheimer autre à soi et a ses proches : la circularité comme mal et la régularité comme remédiation

Title in English Alzheimer’s Patients Other Than Themselves and Their Loved Ones : Circularity as Evil and Regularity as Remedy

CUSIMANO Christophe Gérard L. VÍTKOVÁ Kristýna

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Alzheimer’s disease; memory; repetition; regularity; iteration; semantics; speech analysis
Description ny caregiver who has to face the discursive and gestural repetitions of Alzheimer’s patients must nevertheless set up a daily schedule routine. This apparent paradox brings together circularity on the one hand and regularity on the other, two principles based on the same axiom: iteration. Iteration can cause the patient to be locked up within himself when it takes the shape of circularity, whereas it can be beneficial when it takes the form of a reassuring regularity. The latter removes, at least temporarily, the threat of a dual break of the patient, from himself and from his friends and family. In this article, we consider iteration from two angles, linguistic and behavioural.
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