Publication details

Síla stisku ruky u sportovních gymnastek

Title in English Hand Grip strenght in youth female artistic gymnasts

ČUTA Martin VÁŽNÁ Anna

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Anthropologia Integra
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

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Keywords Artistic gymnastics; gymnasts; hand grip strength; dynamometry; body height
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Description In athletes who compete in artistic gymnastics, the requirements of the discipline result in a specific body build type. Among other characteristics they must have strong upper limbs. This article focuses on hand grip strength, a characteristic considered to be a suit-able indicator of overall body strength. The parameters measured also included body height and weight, and forearm circumference. The study sample consisted of 42 youth female artistic gymnasts and a control group consisting of 68 students of the same age categories. The data analysed included information on 40 athletes and 52 students. Differences in hand grip strength were observed between the athletes and the control group in the first and second age categories, and differences in body height were observed only in the third age category. At younger ages, gymnasts did not differ from the control group in terms of body height, but higher upper limb strength was observed.

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