Publication details

LART: Compiled Abstract Execution (Competition Contribution)



Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference TACAS 2022: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords abstraction;abstract interpretation;abstract execution;compilation;compilation-based abstraction;LLVM;LART;formal verification;symbolic execution
Description LART – LLVM Abstraction & Refinement Tool – originates from the divine model-checker, in which it was employed as an abstraction toolchain for the LLVM interpreter. In this contribution, we present a stand-alone tool that does not need a verification backend but performs the verification natively. The core idea is to instrument abstract semantics directly into the program and compile it into a native binary that performs program analysis. This approach provides a performance gain of native execution over the interpreted analysis and allows compiler optimizations to be employed on abstracted code, further extending the analysis efficiency. Compilation-based abstraction introduces new challenges solved by LART, like domain interaction of concrete and abstract values simulation of nondeterministic runtime or constraint propagation.
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