Publication details

Udržitelné investování - dopady evropské regulace na poskytování investičních služeb

Title in English Sustainable investment – the impact of European regulation on the provision of investment services


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cofola 2021: část 3
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords Investment Services; Sustainability; Financing; Transparency; Regulation
Description This paper deals with effects of European regulation on the provision of investment services. Sustainable investment is reflected in particular in the Action Plan for Financing Sustainable Growth, which responds to the agreed UN Agenda Transforming Our World: An Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030. Investment that takes into account environmental, social and administrative factors promotes a sustainable economic system, but also creates new regulatory requirements for entities providing investment services. This article discusses the various elements related to sustainable investment and the implications of European regulation adopted with regard to the Sustainable Development Agenda. The article aims in particular at a more detailed analysis of the sustainability framework itself and an evaluation of the regulation that applies to financial market entities that provide investment services
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