Publication details

Bojové kladivo z Hradiště sv. Hypolita ve Znojmě

Title in English War hammer from stronghold of St. Hippolitos in Znojmo

KLÍMA Bohuslav

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sborník prací Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, řada společenských věd
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords archeological excavation; Great Moravian and Medieval hillfort of Hippolytus; material culture; historic weapons; war hammer;15th-beginning of the 17th Centurie
Description A large number of prehistoric, Medieval and modern artefacts were found during archaeological excavations at the Great Moravian hillfort of Saint Hippolytus in Znojmo (Moravia, Czech Republic). A slightly damaged war hammerstone was excavated near the south-eastern edge of a fenced area of the Military Order of the Crusaders of the Red Star provostry and belongs to the Late Medieval and Early Modern group of artefacts. Its presence in a cultural layer that contains mostly material such as shards of kitchen and technical ceramics from the 15th to the beginning of the 17th century, could indicate an incidental loss of this weapon. Alternatively, a battle that was fought near the cloister wall between a group of defenders of the provostry and attacking enemies, perhaps at the beginning of the Thirty Years´ War, could better explain this unique find. In this article, a description of this artefact is presented and general issues regarding war hammers and their typological and chronological development are discussed.

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