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Výzkumně orientované workshopy zaměřené na přenos zkušeností a bariéry adaptačních opatření mezi lesníky?
Title in English | Research-oriented workshops focused on the transfer of experience and barriers to adaptation measures among forest managers |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2021 |
Type | Workshop |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Description | This result consists of two follow-up research-oriented workshops focused on the transfer of experience and barriers to adaptation measures among foresters. The workshop "Practical solution to the problems of calamitous clearings and the establishment of a more resilient forest" took place in September 2021 in Rantířov near Jihlava. During the all-day program, the participants (20 people) solved projects to afforest specific calamitous clearings in the vicinity of Rantířov, so that the newly established forest was more durable and adapted to the conditions of the 21st century. The proposed solutions were then presented and discussed under the guidance of an experienced mediator. Part of the intensive involvement of participants at the workshop was the identification of barriers to forest adaptation and forestry in sociological research, which was again facilitated by an experienced person. In October 2020, a full-day workshop entitled “Balance between vegetation and wildlife in the forest: how to create a regional example of good practice?” took place at the Liberec Region building. The workshop, led by an experienced facilitator, tackled the problem of wildlife due to the establishment of more adapted stands. The research workshop allowed a deeper examination of the barrier associated with overgrown wildlife, which is perceived as a major factor limiting natural forest regeneration and the ability of forest stands to regenerate after a calamity. |
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