Publication details

Terénní výuka tématu židovského a romského holocaustu na základních školách v Brně – současný stav a návrh didaktického zpracování

Title in English Field Teaching of the Jewish and Romani Holocaust in Primary Schools in Brno – Current State and Proposal for Didactic Approach


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sborník prací Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, řada společenských věd
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords history; civic education; Brno; Jews; Roma; Holocaust; teaching; didactics; regional history; field teaching
Description The study deals with the topic of the Jewish and Roma Holocaust at primary schools in Brno. It presents the results of a questionnaire survey among history and civics teachers in this city concerning the use of regional history and field teaching with special regard to the topic. On this basis, a proposal for the didactic elaboration of the topic is presented – a catalog of places connected with the Jewish and Roma Holocaust in the territory of Brno is presented, field teaching on this topic is proposed, which uses the individual described localities.
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