Publication details

Flying with Covid: The visual presence of the pandemic in airports



Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source AntHropológicas Visual
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web URL
Keywords visual experience; Covid; airport
Attached files
Description This ethnographic photoessay aims at describing the visual presence of the Covid in the airports. The work focuses on four airports in three countries the author passed through in June 2021. They are the airports of Salvador da Bahia (Brazil), Lisbon (Portugal), Rome and Venice (Italy). Despite the differences between the countries in the approached adopted to contain the diffusion of the pandemic, airports are subjected to standardized international protocols. These are intended to (re)produce similar safety measures in the diverse airports. Meanwhile, airports are designed not to be identitarian, historical and relational, but yes to be experienced as “non places” (as Augé defined these places). However, each airport introduces several dimensions of its specific location, of its specific local health politics, of its specific passengers’ flow, and so on, making of them a peculiar place to observe the space design for Covid diffusion control.

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