Publication details

Dvojí výjimečnost z pohledu zahraničních studií

Title in English Twice exceptionality – cognitive giftedness in combination with specific learning disabilities in international studies


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords twice exceptionality; diagnostics of twice exceptionality; cognitive giftedness; specific learning disabilities
Description The review deals with twice exceptionality – a combination of high cognitive giftedness and specific learning disabilities. In the framework of the review study, 10 research studies dealing with the concept of twice exceptionality in the years 2010–2019 were analysed. The diagnostic process of twice exceptionality consists of the diagnostics of cognitive giftedness and the diagnostics of specißic learning disabilities. Cognitive giftedness is most often diagnosed using intelligence tests and curriculum-based tests. The diagnostics of specific learning disabilities is based primarily on difference between one’s potential and performance in tests assessing perceptual abilities, cognitive abilities, and academic performance. The most frequently used research approach was a quantitative research strategy whereas in most cases already existing data were used for analysis. The range of research sample differs significantly. The smallest research sample consisted of 14 respondents and the largest consisted of 4783 respondents. Selected research focused on twice exceptionality especially in pupils during compulsory schooling. Even though pupils with twice exceptionality have a high cognitive giftedness, if they are not recognized they may be at risk of school failure, increased frustration, behavioural problems, emotional problems, and disruption of social relationships.

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