Publication details

Sbírám psí ho.. aneb pečuji o životní prostředí (Nakolik je účinná environmentální výchova?)

Title in English I collect dog poop or take care of the environment


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sedmá generace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation HROMÁDKA, Zdeněk. Sbírám psí ho.. aneb pečuji o životní prostředí (Nakolik je účinná environmentální výchova?) (I collect dog poop or take care of the environment). Sedmá generace. 2011, 10., No 4, p. 19-21. ISSN 1212-0499.
Keywords Environmental education research knowledge attitudes actions
Description The article acquaints the reader with the results of research in the field of environmental education: "Environmental education can be seen as one of the tools of environmental protection. How effective is it? it's not too big. "

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