Publication details

Kazuistika - (ne)profesionální syndrom karpálního tunelu

Title in English Case report - (un)professional carpal tunnel syndrome


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pracovní lékařství
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords carpal tunnel syndrome; occupational disease; unilateral long-term excessive limb overload; vibration
Description The objective of this article is to provide basic practical information about carpal tunnel syndrome with a focus on its professional cause and criteria necessary for the recognition of occupational diseases. The article describes a case report of a patient in whom the professionalism of carpal tunnel syndrome was investigated on both sides. Both clinical and EMG criteria for the recognition of occupational diseases were met, but the hygienic criteria were not met, therefore the diseases could not be recognized as occupational diseases.

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