Publication details

Nuceni zůstat, nebo svobodní odejít? Reflexe rozhodnutí ESLP a SDEU k držení žadatelů o azyl v maďarských tranzitních zónách

Title in English Forced to Stay or Free to Leave? Reflection of the ECtHR and the ECJ case-law on Hungarian 'border transit zones'

BOKOVÁ Terezie

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Ročenka uprchlického a cizineckého práva 2019
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access sborníku
Keywords refugee crisis; transit zones; detention; deprivation of right to liberty
Description The text discusses two European court rulings concerning detention of asylum seekers in Hungarian transit zones. It compares the ECtHR ruling in case Ilias and Ahmed (chamber, grand chamber rulings) with the ECJ's FMS case. It concludes that not only did the ECJ provided greater protection to the fundamental rights of the applicants than the ECtHR, but also the latter's granfd chamber ruling violates principles stipulated in the court's earlier case-law.

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