Publication details

Kolize letadel a provozů – kolize právních řádů

Title in English Collisions of Aircraft and Operations – Conflict of Laws


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords Aircraft Collisions; Collisions of Operations; Connecting Factors; Rome II Regulation; Private International Law.
Description The article Collisions of Aircraft and Operations – Conflict of Laws deals with aircraft collisions and collisions between aircraft and other operations from the view of private international law. The main aim of the article is to analyse the suitability of the connecting factors which are regularly used to determine the applicable law. At first, the issue of aircraft collision is introduced and the development of legal regulation through international conventions is briefly outlined. The article then focuses on the conflict of laws of aircraft collisions in EU law – the connecting factors used by the Rome II Regulation and the commentary literature on this Regulation are analysed. The next part deals with the conflict of laws of the collision between an aircraft and a car. Lastly, an overview of the legislation regulating other liability relationships that may arise as a result of aircraft collisions (liability towards third parties on the ground and towards persons on board) is presented.

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