Publication details

Paradoks čechov-panslavistov : neosuščestvljennyj projekt truda po istorii Rossii K. Gavličeka-Borovskogo

Title in English Paradox of the Czech Pan-Slavists : an unfinished work about the history of Russia by K. Havlíček Borovský


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jevropa v Srednije veka i Novoje vremja: Obščestvo. Vlast'. Kul'tura : Materialy IX Vserossijskoj s meždunarodnym učastijem naučnoj konferencii molodych učenych. 23. - 24. 11. 2021, Iževsk
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Karel Havlíček Borovský; Czech historiography; revivalists; Pan-Slavism; 19th century
Description In the middle of the 19th century, a significant part of the Czech intellectuals supported the ideas of Pan-Slavism, which were manifested, among others, by the idealization of the ancient history of Russia as an example of a strong Slavic state. The portrait of Russia in the eyes of members of the Czech National Revival was significantly different from reality. The journalist and satirist Karel Havlíček Borovský, who returned from "real" Russia, discovered that despite the general pro-Slavic and pro-Russian moods, there are no works on the history of Russia in the Czech language. Despite the fact that after his voyage Havlíček turned into a harsh critic of Russian politics, he tried for several years during his forced exile in Tyrol to create a synthesis about ancient Russia and fill the empty space in Czech historiography. Havlíček was prevented by deteriorating health and progressive tuberculosis to finish his planned publication, nevertheless, his preserved correspondence gives a clear idea of the seriousness of his aspirations, brings information about the initial stage of studying the history of Russia and also shows how limited access to Russian scientific literature and sources was in the Czech lands in those days.
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