Publication details

Aspects of Forensic-Ready Software Systems in Public Service Domain

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Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Information Technology for Practice
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords Forensic Readiness; Forensic-Ready Software; Forensic-By-Design; Software Requirements; Secure Software
Description The increasing threat of cybercrime goes hand in hand with the need to investigate it properly. However, such investi-gation is very difficult and costly to perform correctly. To mitigate the issue, forensic-ready software systems were introduced to pre-pare the systems to ease the investigation by providing valid data and performing forensically sound processes. Currently, forensic readiness is not widely recognized as a possible requirement for software systems. Yet, many of its aspects fit into a larger context of secure system design. This paper aims to establish such context by exploring various aspects of forensic-ready software systems and their relations to other fields. Namely, the area of public domain systems.
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