Publication details

Empatie učitele – co, proč a hlavně jak

Title in English Teacher empathy - What, Why and especially How


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální pedagogika | Social Education
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Plný text článku
Keywords teacher empathy, teacher credibility, teacher-student relationships
Description The aim of this text is to address the role of teacher empathy in education. Attention is first given to the theoretical definition of teacher empathy, then to the empirical findings of educational research related to empathy, and the main part of attention is given to the practice of empathy. That is, how teachers, but also other educational professionals, can show and strengthen their empathy, and what to avoid. It is thus not a survey study or a detailed mapping of empirical evidence, but a practice-oriented text that is grounded in theory and empirical evidence. It then concludes by recommending further literature on the topic, again of both a practical and empirical nature.

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