Publication details

Chronotopes of urban centralities: Looking for prominent urban times and places

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Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geographical Journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Brno; centrality; chronotope; everydayness; urban rhythms; urban timespace
Description The aim of the paper is to discuss an issue of urban centralities not only in spatial but also in temporal terms. We seek to overcome the traditional view of urban centralities as materialised places. We argue that prominence of place is closely tied to a certain time regime or rhythm and that some prominent times tend to be spatialised through certain urban places. We emphasise the hybrid spatiotemporal nature of urban centrality that emerges from the inseparable coupling of the spatial and temporal dimensions of urban everydayness. The paper seeks to introduce timing, synchronisation and rhythms as important constituents of the urban tissue. The methodology links together Lefebvre-inspired rhythmanalysis and the concept of chronotope. A complex dataset that depicts the aggregated rhythms of people's presence in selected locales is employed to demonstrate multiplicity of prominent times present in the contemporary city. The chronotopes are narrated as recurrent situations in which specific urban locales and specific times are animated and linked together through the presence of interacting individuals. The elusive spatiotemporal centrality is reflected in the story of the chronotope, describing its rhythm, scale, pacemakers, and actors.
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