Publication details

Self-testing quantum states via nonmaximal violation in Hardy's test of nonlocality


RAI Ashutosh PIVOLUSKA Matej SASMAL Souradeep BANIK Manik GHOSH Sibasish PLESCH Martin

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source PHYSICAL REVIEW A
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

Keywords non-locality; entanglement; Hardy non-locality; self-testing; device-independence
Description Self-testing protocols enable the certification of quantum devices without demanding full knowledge about their inner workings. A typical approach in designing such protocols is based on observing nonlocal correlations which exhibit maximum violation in a Bell test. We show that in the Bell experiment known as Hardy's test of nonlocality, not only does the maximally nonlocal correlation self-test a quantum state, rather a nonmaximal nonlocal behavior can serve the same purpose. We, in fact, completely characterize all such behaviors leading to a self-test of every pure two-qubit entangled state except for the maximally entangled ones. Apart from presenting an alternative self-testing protocol, our method provides a powerful tool towards characterizing the complex boundary of the set of quantum correlations.
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