Publication details

Příklady chyb v samostatném ústním projevu studentů francouzského jazyka během online výuky

Title in English Examples of errors in spoken production of French language students during online lessons


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Cizí jazyky. Časopis pro teorii a praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords speaking skill; errors; linguistic accuracy; complexity of language; fluency; French as a foreign language; online teaching
Description The article presents research on students’ spoken accuracy in an online French course on A2 level. A detailed error analysis was used to assess the development of speaking skills in terms of accuracy and to identify the aspects of the language particularly difficult for these students. Students’ opinions expressed in subsequent interviews enriched the analysis. The results show the importance of giving more place to the teaching of pronunciation in online courses and of a balanced focus on different aspects of speaking.
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