Publication details

Is it possible for common cultural values to unite distant civilizations?

Title in English Is it possible for common cultural values to unite distant civilizations? Czech Centres as a specific means of cultural diplomacy.

WRANA Zuzana

Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Czech Centres are among the key actors in the field of Czech cultural diplomacy and thus also in the cultural sector of Czech foreign policy. They are a contributory organisation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and currently have 25 foreign branches, mainly in Europe, but also in America and Asia. Equivalents of the Czech centres can be found in other countries (among European centres and institutes we could mention, for example, the British Council, the Italian Istituto Italiano di Cultura or the French Alliance francaise etc.). Although the directive of each centre is identical, the specific activities and functioning are largely autonomous and are mainly governed by the concept of the directors. This should reflect the requirements of the local audience as well as the possibilities and context of the country. Cultural diplomacy thus builds trust, presents the values and interests of a country, and dispels misconceptions about it, with the further aim of spreading the country's reputation in the world. However, for cultural diplomacy to be truly cultural diplomacy and not a tool of power for the ruling class, it needs to be guided by certain criteria that guarantee its independence. However, is it possible today to ensure that cultural centres are completely independent of their country as well as the country in which the centre is located? The cultural diplomacy of small states differs from that practised by large states in several specific ways: these can be categorised according to their objectives, the breadth and intensity of the topics covered, the legitimacy of their activities and the geographical focus of their activities. Czech Centres, as carriers of the Czech Republic's cultural diplomacy, seek to draw the attention of foreign audiences to the specifics of Czech culture and values. Is it therefore possible to build and strengthen good international relations based on common values and the promotion of culture? It certainly is as common values of even very distant cultures can help to find a similar point of view on several essential issues.

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