Publication details

Postoj sociálních pracovníků k práci se změnou u dospívajících klientů

Title in English Attitudes of Social Workers to Work with Adolescent Clients´Transitions


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální práce – Sociálna práca
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords clients' transition; process of change; social work; work strategies; attitude; at-risk adolescents
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Description OBJECTIVES: The aim of the article is to attempt to clarify the attitude of social workers towards work with transition of teenage clients who fall into the target group of at-risk adolescents. THEORETICAL BASE: The article is based on the Ecological Systems Theory and the Holistic Perspective of client, focusing on the transition on individual level that can be described in the bio-psycho-socio and spiritual areas. Adolescent at-risk need social support that can be provided by a social worker, whose attitude is an important factor that affects the clients change. METHODS: A qualitative research was conducted in three county seats which includes semistructured interviews with 11 social workers who operate within 8 different types of organisations for at-risk adolescents. OUTCOMES: Transition proceeding is largely influenced by social workers’ personal approach. Compergensive work on transition and adequate, well-timed support is essential for the clients´ transition. SOCIAL WORK IMPLICATIONS: The implications include reflecting a personal approach, being attentive to the phase of transition, developing competencies for work with softer methods concerning clients’ internal transition, creating a network with intervening subjects, sharing of experience and paying attention to self-care.
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