Publication details

Well Quasi-Orders Arising from Finite Ordered Semigroups

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KLÍMA Ondřej KOLEGAR Jonatan

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Developments in Language Theory: 26th International Conference, DLT 2022
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Finite semigroups; Well quasi-orders; Unavoidable words
Description In 1985, Bucher, Ehrenfeucht and Haussler studied derivation relations associated with a given set of context-free rules. Their research motivated a question regarding homomorphisms from the semigroup of all words onto a finite ordered semigroup. The question is which of these homomorphisms induce a well quasi-order on the set of all words. We show that this problem is decidable and the answer does not depend on the homomorphism, but it is a property of the ordered semigroup.
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