Publication details

Warning Signs of Elderly Suicide and Factors Affecting Professional Help-Seeking : Case of Sri Lanka



Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Population and Social Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web Stránky časopisu
Keywords Elderly suicide; help-seeking behavior; old age culture; risk of suicide
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Description Though the suicide rate is remarkably high among older personsin many countries,seeking external assistance indealingwith suicidality is infrequent.Against this background, the objectives of this paper are twofold: to identify possible depressive signs and suicide warnings exhibited by older peoplebeforethe act of suicide,and to examine the factors affectingthe help-seekingbehaviorof older peoplewho dieby suicide. The study revealed that angry outbursts,sleep disturbance, isolation,reduced speaking,and thoughts of the meaninglessness of life are the significantpossible signsof depression.However, only a few older personsdirectly expressedearly warnings such as ‘talking about deathor suicide.’Yet, it seems that family members areunaware ofthe early warningsigns. The study foundfoursignificantfactors that limit the help-seekingbehaviorof older peopledealingwith suicidality:a weaksocialnetwork,poor understanding of depressive and suicidal signsby familymembers,negative attitudes relating toold age culture,and a crisis of personal perspectivesin help-seeking.We conclude thatpromotingmental health services to older personsand improving their help-seekingbehaviorin response to various life stressors would helpprevent suicide in the olderpopulation.
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