Publication details

Soudničky a jejich vliv na vnímání práva

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Title in English Court Stories and their Impact on the Perception of Law


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords court stories; legal culture; legal consciousness; Law and Literature; Law and Popular Culture
Attached files
Description During the First Czechoslovak Republic many readers sought in newspapers a section usually called the Courtroom. These columns contained various stories on the border of journalism and belles-lettres, drawing on themes from real contemporary court proceed-ings – the so-called “soudničky” (court stories). This article deals with the described genre and the image of law that these stories presented and how they could influence the perception of law in society. Due to considerable popularity and mass aspect of the given genre, it can be considered as a part of legal pop culture. On the basis of this connection, the paper comes to a conclusion that these court stories have a significant potential to influence the perception of law in society. However, rather than as expansion of the knowledge component of legal consciousness, they act as an impulse to deepen the "interest" in law. At the end of the text, it is also emphasized the cultivating factor of reading these stories for contemporary lawyers.
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