Publication details

Consciousness Unchained


MARRONE Tancredi Andrew

Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This presentation will address the use of psychedelics as a means to freedom. Amongst the experiences induced by psychedelics there is frequently a feeling of liberation and dissolution of barriers. This is often associated with states of transcnendence or ego death. The narratives that surround psychedelic experiences often incorporate the use of a language which relates to religion and spirituality. Many mystical traditions describe liberation of oneself oneself from variously described chains or constraints associated to an imperfection of the human condition. The narratives that derive Gnostic and Hermetic philosophies next to the gathered knowledge of various Shamanic tradtions are often compared to psychedelic experience. Entheogens as they are sometimes called become a key to liberation from the limits of ordinary perception which eventually leads to a transcendental understanding of reality. This concept has futher extended to the therapeutic use of psychedelics to overcome addictive behavior. MDMA and LSD have in fact been used for trauma solution and liberation form mental disorders. Finally the culture which surrounds the exploratory purposes of psychedelics have generated a whole subculture which is dedicated to the liberation of the human mind and social restrictions. I will thus present key points in the narrative of liberation within the context of psychedelic substance with particular attention to it’s spiritual and religious discourse.
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