Publication details

Komplexní vyhodnocení dopadů, nasazení a využitelnosti chytrého měření z pohledu jednotlivých stakeholderů TK03010175-V3

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Title in English Comprehensive evaluation of the impact, deployment and usability of smart metering from the perspective of individual stakeholders TK03010175-V3

PITNER Tomáš KASL František MAMULA Ondřej VODRÁŽKA Jiří STŘELEC Martin MÜLLER František

Year of publication 2021
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Description The research report provides an evaluation of the impact of deploying individual technical variants of smart metering in terms of usability in selected use cases. For the use cases of energy communities and quality control, the impacts are described, assumptions for implementation are specified and risks are analysed. Effective measures are then formulated to maximize the effective use of smart metering.
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