Publication details

"Robots in Satire" : Istoki sopolozhenija romana E. Zamjatina "MY" i p'esy K. Chapeka "R. U. R." v amerikanskoj kritike 1920-h gg.

Title in English "Robots in Satire" : The Origins of E. Zamiatin's Novel "WE" and K. Chapek's Play "R.U.R." Comparison in American Critics of 1920s


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Pechat' i slovo Sankt-Peterburga (Peterburgskie chtenija – 2021)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords Evgeny Zamiatin; Novel “WE”; Karel Čapek; R.U.R.; Intercultural Communication; Altercultural Reception
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Description Based on Karel Čapek’s play “R.U.R.” and Evgeny Zamiatin’s novel “WE”, this article considers the description of the key mechanism of the first step in altercultural reception, namely the process of cultural decoding of a newly translated text for the following fitting into as yet alien space of the target culture.
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