Publication details

Vibrational Spectra and Normal Coordinate Analysis of Disulfuryl Difluoride and Diselenonyl Difluoride.

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Title in English Vibrational spectra and normal coordinate analysis of disulfuryl difluoride S2O5F2 and diselenonyl difluoride Se2O5F2.


Year of publication 1993
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Inorganic chemistry
Keywords disulfuryl difluoride;diselenonyldifluoride; vibrational spectra; normal coordinate analysis
Description Raman spectra (1600 - 100 cm-1) of liquid S2O5F2 and Se2O5F2 and infrared spectra (1600 - 400 cm-1) of liquid and gaseous S2O5F2 were measured. A modified general valence force field was used for their interpretation by normal coordinate analysis. Refinement of the number of lines in the Raman spectrum of S2O5F2 by means of numerical separation of the overlapping bands led to the conclusion that liquid S2O5F2 consist at least of three rotamers at room temperature.
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