Publication details

Současná běžná mluva v českých zemích

Title in English Present-Day Language in the Czech Lands


Year of publication 1997
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation KRČMOVÁ, Marie. Současná běžná mluva v českých zemích (Present-Day Language in the Czech Lands). In Český jazyk na přelomu tisíciletí. 1st ed. Praha: Academia, 1997, p. 160-172. mimo edice. ISBN 80-200-0617-6.
Description An analysis of the term everyday speech which is closely connected to the term interdialect. By the term everyday speech is meant the form of the national language used in an everyday conversation. When the basis of the analysis is the real language material we find out that the everyday speech is still locally and socially differenced. The progressing integration of the Czech society creates conditions for further reduction of the regional differences. However the result of this can not be a speech unified.

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