Publication details

Pravěké kruhové příkopy na Moravě. Letecká archeologie, geofyzikální měření, archeologický výzkum a interpretace

Title in English Prehistoric Circular Ditches in Moravia. Aerial archaeology; geophysical measurement; archaeological research and interpretation


Year of publication 1998
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kouřil Pavel, Nekuda Rostislav, Unger Josef (ed.): Ve službách archeologie. Sborník k 60. Narozeninám RNDr. Vladimíra Haška, DrSc.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords archaeology; geophysical tests; aerial archaeological survey; prehistoric circular ditches - rondels; socio-religious sites associated with agricultural collectives with higher level of organization
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