Publication details

Relativní početnost a aktivita netopýrů v okolí jaderné elektrárny Dukovany.

Title in English Relative abundance and activity of bats in agrocoenoses near the Dukovany power station (SW-Moravia).


Year of publication 1997
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Vespertilio
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation ZUKAL, Jan, Martin POKORNÝ and Zdeněk ŘEHÁK. Relativní početnost a aktivita netopýrů v okolí jaderné elektrárny Dukovany. (Relative abundance and activity of bats in agrocoenoses near the Dukovany power station (SW-Moravia).). Vespertilio. Revúca a Praha: S.O.N., Revúca a ČESON, Praha, 1997, vol. 2, No 1, p. 105-216. ISSN 80-967385-9-3.
Field Zoology
Keywords Activity; habitat use; detector monitoring; SW-Moravia
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