Publication details

An urban bias in air temperature fluctuations at the Klementinum, Prague, The Czech Republic



Year of publication 1999
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Atmospheric Environment
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Atmosphere sciences, meteorology
Keywords Urban heat island; Air temperature; Prague; Klementinum
Description The intensification of an urban heat island, and its influence on the seasonal and annual air temperature measurements of the Prague-Klementinum station, is studied through a comparison with rural stations. Urban warming in the period from 1922 to 1995 was most conspicuous in winter and in spring (0.06C 10 yr1), and the smallest and least significant in summer (0.01C 10 yr1). Since the 1960s, a stagnation in the development of the urban heat island has appeared. The degree of urban warming prior to 1922 can only be roughly determined because of the lack of a suitable set of homogeneous reference stations. The results of this study are compared with other studies analogous in character.
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