Závěrečná výzkumná zpráva projektu TITSMZP703 –Vysychání toků a biodiverzita tekoucích vod: vliv přírodních podmínek a antropogenních zásahů
Title in English | Final research report of the project TITSMZP703 -Stream drying and biodiversity of flowing waters: the influence of natural conditions and anthropogenic impacts |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2022 |
Type | Research report |
MU Faculty or unit | |
web | http://sucho.eu/doc/TITSMZP703_zaverecna_zprava.pdf |
Description | One of the aims of the project TITSMZP703 (Stream drying and biodiversity of flowing waters: the influence of natural conditions and anthropogenic impacts) was to develop a method for assessing the impact of stream drying on the biodiversity of flowing waters for targeted interventions and measures to reduce the negative impacts of stream drying on biodiversity. This final research report summarises all the findings and results obtained during the project and is the technical basis on which the method is based. The aim of this project was to assess the combined effect of stream drying and accompanying anthropogenic impacts on model groups of aquatic and water-dependent organisms. All data and results on which this report is based came from field research at model sites in the Czech Republic, which took place between 2018 and 2020. |
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