Publication details

Inhalační technika a správné použití inhalátorů při léčbě asthma bronchiale a chronické obstrukční plicní nemoci II. – inhalátory s práškovou lékovou formou

Title in English Inhalation technique and correct use of inhaler devices in the treatment of asthma bronchiale and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease II. – dry­-powder inhalers


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Praktické lékárenství
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Pharmacy

web Praktické lékárenství
Keywords asthma bronchiale; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; inhaler devices; inhaler manuever; educational materials; dry­-powder inhalers
Attached files
Description The following article deals with aspects of providing pharmaceutical care in patients with asthma bronchiale and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, for which the pharmacist's knowledge of the correct manipulation technique of inhaler devices is significant. Furthermore it summarizes all inhalers available on the Czech market containing dry-powder dosage form (solid dosage form inhalers) and for each inhaler presents information relating to proper instructions for patient about correct use, correct inhaler technique and maintenance of the inhaler.

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