Publication details

Význam právního hodnocení pro počátek běhu subjektivní promlčecí lhůty

Title in English The Importance of Legal Qualification for the Commencement of Subjective Prescriptive Period

BRIM Luboš

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Právní rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Repozitář MU
Keywords Prescription; prescription period; knowledge of facts; legal qualification
Attached files
Description The article deals with the question of whether knowledge of the facts which engender a claim is sufficient for the commencement of subjective prescriptive period for said right, or whether it is also necessary that the creditor be capable of legal assessment of the facts. Case law of Czech Supreme Court prefers the former opinion; the paper at hand discusses arguments for and against the revision of this view.

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