Publication details

(Ne)Ztraceno v překladu: Mediace v cizojazyčné výuce - implementace do praxe a první reflexe

Title in English (Not) Lost in Translation: Mediation in foreign language teaching - implementation in practice and first reflections


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Cizí jazyky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords foreign language teaching; foreign language learning; reflection; mediation; mediation strategies; CEFR-Companion Volume; communicative approach; intercultural communicative competence; competency based learning
Description The present article is the fourth continuation in the thematic series (Not) Lost in Translation and presents the first results of research investigations aimed at capturing and describing the perception of mediation as a new competence in foreign language teaching at different types of schools. Reflections of pupils and teachers of primary schools, as well as lower and upper secondary schools, will be presented. The results of the presented research show that mediation activities develop the ability to react promptly in everyday situations, confidence in one's own language competence and, last but not least, motivation for learning foreign languages, mainly due to the authentic situations in which mediation activities are embedded, thus bringing them closer to everyday life.

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