Publication details

Les eaux supérieures dans la cosmologie chrétienne, entre historiographie et matérialité. Un hommage a' André Grabar (1896-1990)

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Title in English The upper waters in Christian cosmology, between historiography and materiality. A tribute to André Grabar (1896-1990)


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Cahiers archéologiques : fin de l'antiquite et moyen age
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords André Grabar; Upper Waters; Christian Cosmology; Illusion and reality
Description Starting from a study by André Grabar dating from , we would like, in a first moment, to look at the method employed by Grabar in this text, and try to understand why, at this precise moment in his biography, he decided to dedicate a study to a similar subject. In a second moment, we would like to propose a more complex reflection on the visual, physical and performative barriers to accessing a divine vision within the Late Antique sacred space. As we will try to demonstrate, Grabar's proposal can indeed be inscribed within a larger scheme. The last part of our article will finally be dedicated to an attempt to understand the part of historicity in the intellectual elaboration of the principles of art history in Grabar.
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