Publication details

Sprachmittlung und Mediation im Deutschunterricht an Sprachschulen

Title in English Language mediation in German lessons at language schools


Year of publication 2022
Type Requested lectures
Description Mediation, i.e. freely communicating the content of a spoken or written text to a third person who does not know the language of the source text, is considered a key competence in today's globalised, multilingual society and it is therefore desirable for students to acquire it in foreign language education from the very beginning. In a number of European countries, such as Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Greece, mediation is already a firm part of the curriculum as well as foreign language textbooks and is tested in final (and other final) exams. The aim of this workshop is to introduce the Austrian Institute in Brno to the didactic concept of mediation as elaborated in the Supplement to the Common Framework of Reference for Languages (2020), to introduce the main theoretical background necessary for the implementation of mediation in practice and, last but not least, to offer methodological approaches and suggestions for their own foreign language classes.

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