Publication details

Nové metody detekce a hodnocení synergie fága s antibiotikem

Title in English New methods for detection and evaluation of phage-antibiotic synergy


Year of publication 2022
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The current trend of increasing number of infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria makes the interest in alternative methods of treatment of these infections more intense. One promising alternative is phage therapy and its new approach of combining phages with conventional antibiotic therapy. The combination of these agents can increase the therapeutic effect, in which case we speak of the so-called phage-antibiotic synergy (PAS). The presented work deals with the use of methods developed to detect and evaluate the resulting effect. This effect can be not only synergistic, but also additive, antagonistic or neutral. Not only the combination of agents, but also their concentration and time of administration contribute to the resulting effect. The development of the presented methods thus allows us to quantify this effect, to evaluate it statistically, and to determine which of the presented effects it is. Furthermore, these methods are a useful step towards the unification of the microbiological methodologies used, which is a prerequisite for their standardization, the use of automation and compliance with the legislative requirements for entering the pharmaceutical market. To verify the synergistic effect, a Staphyloccocus aureus strain, antibiotics affecting cell wall composition and two bacteriophages with different therapeutic profile were selected. Specifically, podovirus P68 and myovirus 812h1. Their efficacy was evaluated both alone and in combination with the selected antibiotics, using novel methods such as Virulence Index, Percent Reduction or Phage Score.
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