Publication details

Adaptační workshop pro studenty prvního a vyšších ročníků studující na Katedře občanské výchovy na Pedagogické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity

Title in English Adaptation workshop for students of the first and higher years studying at the Department of Civic Education at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University

NOVÁK Svatopluk ŠTĚRBA Radim VACKOVÁ Barbora LESŇÁK Slavomír JEMELKA Petr MALACHTA Radovan

Year of publication 2022
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The adaptation workshop for first-year students studying at KOV PdF MU followed on from the previous meeting of students with their older colleagues and teachers from the Department of Civic Education. Part of the workshop was a survey regarding the motivation to study and ideas about the next course. The students divided their expectations equally between teacher training, development of personal qualities and insight into the issue of OV. The motivation for studying was to an increased extent interest in developing the knowledge of sub-fields studied as part of civic education. The majority of students expressed the assumption of subsequent master's studies at the OV PdF MU department. During the event, students were informed by colleagues from the master's study about the possibilities of involvement in academic and student activities. Gradually, the teachers of the OV department formally introduced themselves and then continued to communicate with the students in personal discussions. The workshop took place on Wednesday, October 12 in the small hall of Sokolovna Šlapanice with sufficient capacity for the given type of meeting from 5 to 10 p.m.

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