Publication details

Possible Approaches towards the Architecture of Online Courts and their Potential in the Decision-making Process

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Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Jusletter IT. Die Zeitschrift für IT und Recht
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web open access časopisu
Keywords Online Courts; Online Dispute Resolution; ODR; eJustice; Binding Decision; Non-binding Settlement
Description Although many private systems have demonstrated the effectiveness of online dispute resolution tools, eJustice still mostly fails to implement them to a greater extent. The possibilities of introducing online courts provide the opportunity to use the potential of modern technologies and in addition optimization of processes, which lead to a new perception of the construction of dispute resolution. The article will not only deal with the grasp of the concept of online courts, but it will present the approaches based on specifically selected courts, evaluate them and propose an optimal solution (focusing also on the preparatory steps taken within the framework of this initiative in the Czech Republic).
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