Publication details

editorství monotematického čísla k Supervizi (Sociální práce/Sociáľna práca)

Title in English editorship of the monothematic issue on Supervision (Journal of Social Work)


Year of publication 2022
Type Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description Experience with supervision in practice is provided by the authors of the journalistic section. In her text, Andrea Lásková deals with distance supervision, where she classifies supervision through e-mail communication, chat and video conference. It also lists various combination options. Authors Veronika Mikulčická and Kateřina Zaplatilová focus on the benefit of supervision for supporting volunteers and write about the need for volunteers to have a clear idea of what supervision can offer them and where its limits are. This topic is appropriately followed by Jan Kostečka's text, which characterizes four frequent myths about supervision and sets them straight. Supervision as a means of training early care counselors is the topic of Martina Papoušková's contribution. During the first year, counselors are specifically supported in active participation in supervision and other events that focus on reflection on the work of counselors and the acquisition of the necessary competencies and mutual sharing. Petra Chudobová, from the point of view of a novice supervisor, follows up on the topic of training new employees with her reflection on the process of becoming a supervisor in a text entitled On the threshold of supervision. To understand this process, he uses the concepts of rites of passage and cultural, economic, social and symbolic capital (Bourdieu). In the contribution Supervision as a deepening of respect, Mirka Nečasová and Ladislav Ptáček look back on the supervision training organized in cooperation with the Association of Educators in Social Work and Civic Counseling Brno, through reflections on the process of gradual acquisition of supervisory skills by the participants of this training. The themes resonated among them: receiving and providing supervision in practice, supervision documentation (supervision contract, records) and order, respect for supervisees and oneself in the role of a novice supervisor expressed mainly in the form of support, self-care and ensuring safety. Other contributions are connected by a common theme - the implementation of supervision in schools. Authors Romana Kubů, Andrea Medunová, Karla Malá, Šárka Kosinová introduce the experiences of female teachers - participants in supervision sessions and close their probe with the knowledge that the obstacle to the introduction of supervision in schools may not only be the lack of necessary resources, but also the fears of the supervisees about presenting their own failures in front of colleagues and lack of supervisory experience. This conclusion coincides with the findings of the school supervisor Martina Přibylová, who in the interview lists among the specifics of supervision in education the pedagogues' fear of support, which, however, they primarily perceive as control, and their effort to succeed at all costs, which goes against the philosophy of supervision. Petr Šmíd also mentions teachers' mistrust of supervision, which they see as a tool of control. As part of the Superteacher project, he introduces the intention to implement supervision in schools with the aim of helping teachers reflect on negative behavior associated with the mass dissemination of unverified information. Our intention was to bring a varied palette of insights into supervision as an important tool for quality performance of social work and helping professions in general. We believe that we have succeeded in at least partially fulfilling this intention and we wish our readers an enriching reading.

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