Publication details

Lokální aktéři a strategie podpory příležitostí lidí s mentálním handicapem

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Title in English Local actors and strategies in promoting opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities


Year of publication 2022
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description The chapter describes the strategies of selected community local actors in promoting opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities. The research revealed not only the strategies of helping workers and social service managers, but also those of people with intellectual disabilities. The latter are aimed at publicly voicing the interests of people with intellectual disabilities and creating networks of personal connections. Actors of strategies identified (namely strategies of “assistance”, “leisure time fulfilment”, “coordination”, “service providers coalition”, “personal networking”, and “people with intellectual disabilities public participation”) co-operate ad hoc paying attention to short time matters. The author proposes to use actor network mapping as a tool to find sources of support for the involvement of people with intellectual disabilities in the life of the local community.
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