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Komentované fytocenologické snímky z České republiky 6
Title in English | Commented phytosociological relevés from the Czech Republic 6 |
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Year of publication | 2022 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Zprávy České botanické společnosti |
MU Faculty or unit | |
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Keywords | Braun-Blanquet approach; Festuco-Brometea; Galio-Urticetea; Montio-Cardaminetea; Oxycocco-Sphagnetea; phytosociology; plant communities; Stellarietea mediae; syntaxonomy; Thlaspietea rotundifolii |
Description | The sixth volume of the series summarizing remarkable phytosociological relevés provides new data on the distribution, ecology and species composition of seven vegetation types from the Czech Republic. Species rich dry grasslands (Cirsio-Brachypodion) with remarkable occurrence of rare wetland orchids were recorded on fl ysch bedrock of south-eastern Moravia. Two thermophilous ruderal communities with a distinct dominants (Ivaetum xanthiifoliae, Portulacetum oleraceae) are reported as new associations for eastern Bohemia. Unique example of relict non-forest vegetation on scree slopes observed at the border of eastern Bohemia and north-western Moravia is discussed. Tall herbaceous fringes dominated by species Anthriscus nitidus were documented on various eastern Bohemia and Moravia sites where no data have been available to date. Acidophilous scree vegetation with annual species (Senecio sylvatici-Galeopsietum ladani) was newly recorded on slate bedrock in river valleys in eastern Bohemia, north-western and central Moravia. The rare community of forest springs with calcium carbonate precipitation (Brachythecio rivularis-Cratoneuretum) was documented from southern Moravia and Chřiby Hills. Furthermore, wooded peatlands with Pinus sylvestris (Sphagno-Pinetum sylvestris) are reported from the northern part of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands as a novel community for the region. |
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