Publication details

Co přináší novelizace Aarhuského nařízení a jak se k soudní ochraně staví české soudy

Title in English Amndment to the Aarhus Regulation and Recent Case Law of Czech Courts in the Area of Access to Justice


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source České právo životního prostředí : časopis České společnosti pro právo životního prostředí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access časopisu
Keywords Aarhus Convention; Court of Justice of the European Union; case law; CITES; preliminary reference
Description This article provides a brief commentary on the recent amendment to the Aarhus Regulation (1367/2006) and its implications for access to justice in environmental matters in the broader context of Czech and EU law. It also provides an overview of the recent case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on environmental protection, with particular attention to the preliminary questions recently referred to the Court by the Czech administrative courts: C-659/20 [Ministry of the Environment (Perroquets Ara hyacinthe)] and C-43/21 (FCC Česká republika).

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