Publication details

Towards a monophyletic classification of Cardueae: restoration of the genus Lophiolepis (= Cirsium p.p.) and new circumscription of Epitrachys


DEL GUACCHIO Emanuele BUREŠ Petr IAMONICO Duilio CARUCCI Francesca DE LUCA Daniele ZEDEK František CAPUTO Paolo

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Plant Biosystems
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Asteraceae; Eriolepis; nomenclatural changes; resurrected genus; taxonomy
Description Using molecular data and representative species coverage, we confirmed the monophyly of Cirsium sect. Eriolepis and, therefore, we propose to treat it as a separate genus (Lophiolepis). Besides, based on molecular and morphological evidence we segregate Cirsium italicum into the separate genus Epitrachys, sister to a large clade including Carduus, Cirsium s.l. and several allied genera. The name of a new hybrid genus (Lophiocirsium) is also published. Overall, 129 new combinations in Lophiolepis one in Epitrachys and one in Lophiocirsium are proposed.
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