Publication details

The morphology of complex numerals : A cross-linguistic study


ŽOHA Lukáš WĄGIEL Marcin CAHA Pavel

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Linguistics Beyond And Within
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords complex numerals; counting; morphology; syntax; linguistic typology
Description Complex numerals are numerals composed of two or more numeral roots, e.g., three hundred five. There are two possible approaches to capturing their structure. Analysis A (e.g., He 2015) says that complex numerals form a constituent that quantifies over entities denoted by the noun. Analysis B (e.g., Ionin and Matushansky 2018) says that each numeral independently combines with the expression denoting counted entities. This article investigates the morphology of complex numerals in a sample of 17 diverse languages to determine which of these analyses (if any) is more accurate
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